Todorov's narrative theory, hero's journey and Propp's character theory.​

Todorov's narrative theory

Todorov's narrative theory was a theory written by Bulgarian narratologist named Tzvetan Todorov in 1971. Todorov's narrative theory suggests that any logical story can be broken down into 5 steps.

the 5 steps are.

  1. Equilibrium, a state of balance and order, this is how every story starts.
  2. Disruption, something happens to disrupt the equilibrium, this happens shortly after the equilibrium.
  3. Recognition of disruption, the hero/heroes recognize the disruption and prepare to fix it, this is in the middle.
  4. Repair, something is done to fix or reverse the disruption, this will typically be near the end.
  5. New equilibrium, the world returns to a new equilibrium which can be the same or different to the original, this is the aftermath of the story.

Heroes journey

the heroes journey was a theory written in 1949 by Joseph Campbell, who noticed that heroes in mythology typically go through the same steps. the heroes journey suggests that all heroes go through 12 steps along there journey. 

the 12 steps are

  1. status quo, everything is balanced and alright, this is the beginning of the story
  2. Call to adventure, the hero is attracted to adventure by something, this is the beginning.
  3. Assistance, the hero encounters somebody who helps them in some way and then shows them the way, this is early in there adventure
  4. Departure, the hero leaves safety to achieve his goal, this is shortly after the assistance.
  5. Trial, the hero must make his way through many trials to get to his goal, this is the first thing that happens when they arrive at their desired location.
  6. Approach, the hero has victory in sight and is about to collect his prize, this happens after all the trials are finished.
  7. Crisis, something happens that stop's the hero from calming his prize, this is typically in the same scene as the approach..
  8. Treasure, the hero overcomes the crisis and claimed his prize, this happens after the approach .
  9. Result, this is what happens after his calming of treasure, this happens shortly after the treasure.
  10. Return, the hero makes his way back to their starting position, this is after the result is shown.
  11. New life, the hero lives a changed life now that he is home, this would be slightly before the end.
  12. Resolution, this is the aftermath of the hero's actions showing how the world has become a better place, this is the end.

Propp's character theory

Propp's character theory was written in 1928 by Vladimir Propp. Propp's character theory suggests that any character found on a heroes adventure will fall under 1 of 8 different character types. 

the characters are

  1. the hero, the good guy and the main character of the narrative .
  2. the princess, they or it are the reward at the end of the journey.
  3. Her farther, the father of the princess and is typically an inconvenience for the hero.
  4. the helper, a sidekick or partner.
  5. the donor, they will give the hero something to aid them on their quest.
  6. the dispatcher, they sent the hero on there quest.
  7. the false hero, believed to be  a hero and attempts acts as an obstacle for the hero and his helper.
  8. the villain, they serve as the main roadblock for the hero and are haltable and evil characters.