Other games UI's
Game UI.
Overwatch 2’s UI shows the players health and<span class="NormalTextRun SCXW88833897 BCX0" <their<="" span=""> characters portrait in the bottom left corner, abilities, weapon and ammo count in the bottom right corner and the bottom center shows the characters ultimate charge. At the top in the center, it shows your current objective and time left to do it. </span>
Comparatively, Elden ring displays your health, FP and stamina in the top right-hand corner and displays your weapons in the right and left boxes, your spells in the top box and your equipped items in the bottom box. Your runes (money) are shown in a small rectangle in the bottom right. If you are in a boss fight, there health bar and name are shown at the bottom .
<span class="NormalTextRun SCXW124172291 BCX0" <the="" ui="" in="" dead="" cells="" shows="" the="" player="" their="" health,="" healing="" and="" all="" four="" items="" bottom="" lef<="" span="">in dead cells your weapons and items are shown in the bottom right next to you HP and health flasks, in the bottom right you can see a mini-map, money count and total cells.</span>
Dead by daylight’s UI is the same for the survivors and killers and shows in the bottom right <span class="NormalTextRun SCXW87112053 BCX0" <the="" players="" 4="" equipped="" <="" span="">perks</span>. in the bottom left you can see your ability / item and its add-ons, on the right it shows the state of all four survivors and total generators needed to be completed. In the center at the bottom, if an action can be performed it will show a completion bar and the button you need to hold.
In Tekken 8 the players health bars, heat burst bar and round timer are shown at the top of the screen, the health bars and heat burst bars are shown on the same side as the players starting position.
Fortnite’s UI shows the player’s health and shield bars down in the bottom right corner, also showing the stamina bar when the player does something to drain their stamina. In the bottom right corner, there are six slots to show the players pickaxe and their five weapon slots. If they are playing build mode it will also show the button to switch to build mode and the four blueprints to build.
In For Honor, you can see your team and your enemies' team at the top of the screen, in the bottom left you can see your renowned level and feet's (ability's.) When you enter guard stance the UI disappears and the three guard directions you can use appear and you and the enemy’s guard will also appear if they are also in guard stance. Your health bar always appears above your head in a regular and guard stance.
Space marines 2 shows your Armour and health in the top left with your weapon, grenades, and character specific ability on the bottom. On the bottom right it shows how many stims (healing syringes) you have left.
Advantages and disadvantages
<span class="NormalTextRun SCXW233452536 BCX0" <the="" advantages="" of="" having="" health="" bars="" and="" abilities="" in="" the="" corners="" screen="" is="" that="" they="" leave="" more="" room="" to="" see="" main="" gameplay="" <="" span="">showing your health bar in the corners of the screen is less distracting which means you can concentrate better on playing and beating your enemy's, however, it can also be a disadvantage because you need to routinely check your health or you may die, also if your abilities are in the corners you may need to check if they are on a cooldown because if you try and use an ability that you cannot, than you may set yourself up to be killed, this is especially true in games like Elden ring where any mistake can kill you so checking your health, stamina and FP could be dangerous if you are in a tough battle like a boss fight.</span>
Having a health bar that is in the middle or on the character is the opposite of having it in the corners where you may have more trouble seeing but during a fight you do not need to look away to check your health. Being able to see your opponent's health is always good because you can choose and enemy to single out, this is especially good in games like for honor, were killing your enemies in important no matter what game mode you are in.
How to make a good UI for a game.
To make o good game UI then you need to keep all the menu’s, options and <span class="NormalTextRun SCXW233452536 BCX0" <the="" in-game="" hud="" need="" to="" be="" consistent,="" making="" everything="" consistent="" is="" important="" for="" your="" game<="" span="">>span class="NormalTextRun SCXW233452536 BCX0">’s UI and HUD appear unified and makes the game appear more organized </span>
Also to make a good UI it is best to understand that Form follows function, which means making it function is better than making it look nice
Despite all three Sources not agreeing on a few things, but all of them agree that consistency and function matter the most.
A1 skill development
Status | In development |
Author | bushy2 |
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